UIL kick off was today! Lots of interest in all the events!
over 2 years ago, Christoval Elementary
students in cafeteria
students at tables
students in cafeteria
students around table
Here is the link to purchase tickets for Saturday’s Lady Cougar 🏐 Volleyball game in Paint Rock. Game time is 10 am! Tickets are available only only, they will not be sold at the door. https://www.eventbrite.com/e/paint-rock-jv-v-volleyball-vs-christoval-jv-tlca-v-volleyball-tickets-416377946647?utm-campaign=social&utm-content=attendeeshare&utm-medium=discovery&utm-term=listing&utm-source=cp&aff=escb
over 2 years ago, Jennifer Tilson
Check out the amazing line sculptures designed by our 3rd graders during art class.
over 2 years ago, Christoval Elementary
poster on wall
art on wall
art on wall
art on wall
The JH did an amazing job yesterday at the Toe Nail Trail Cross Country Meet. We didn’t do as good of a job of taking pictures but we were able to snag a picture of our 5 kids who earned a medal! 7th Grade Girls 2nd place as a team 2nd: Landry Elkins 10th: Essence Bogs 8th Grade Girls 2nd place as a team 3rd: Kayleigh Pump 8th: Hannah Maier 9th: Jae Thomason The JH boys didn’t have enough to make a team but they competed really well! Thank you to all the volunteers that made this meet possible. It was a major success!
over 2 years ago, Brady Clark
Christoval Medalers
Varsity Football tickets for the Colorado City game will be sold online at the following link. https://ccity.hometownticketing.com/embed/all
over 2 years ago, Casey Otho
Heck of a day for our Cross Country Teams! Varsity Girls took first place and the Varsity boys got 2nd Individual Results: Varsity Girls 3rd: Presley Polk 4th: Kenadee Millican 6th: Savannah Wood 7th: Madyson George 9th: Sophie Nemec Varsity Boys 5th: Ben McCann 8th: Kyle Abilez JV Girls 8th: Alesia Hovorack
over 2 years ago, Brady Clark
varsity girls
varsity boys
First win at home! 🏐🙌🏻 The San Angelo Saints put up a good fight, but these ladies got it done tonight in 4 (long and hot) games. Way to go Lady Cougars! 🐾
over 2 years ago, Jennifer Tilson
Lady Cougars
Weekly Athletic Schedule
over 2 years ago, Casey Otho
weekly schedule
Week One Players of the Week
over 2 years ago, Casey Otho
week 1
week 1
Headed to the pep rally! Go Cougars!
over 2 years ago, Christoval Elementary
students on bus
students on bus
Students on bus
students on bus
Science experiment day! Testing solubility in different substances in 4th grade.
over 2 years ago, Christoval Elementary
students at table
students with magnifying lens
students at table
Tickets for the Varsity game at Grape Creek will be sold online ONLY. I am attaching the link for ticket purchases. Thank you. https://www.grapecreekisd.net/apps/pages/TICKETS
over 2 years ago, Casey Otho
Grape Creek Tickets
Learning temperature variables using skittles in 5th grade science today.
over 2 years ago, Christoval Elementary
students in class
students at table
students at table
Learning math can be fun!
over 2 years ago, Christoval Elementary
students at table
students at table
kids in hall
kids in hall
Football Dinner with Dads
over 2 years ago, Casey Otho
What a day for Christoval Cross Cross Country! Our JH competed this evening and did a fantastic job. The 8th grade girls placed 6th Individual Results 8th: Kayleigh Pump 10th: Hannah Maier The 7th Grade Girls placed 2nd! Individual Results 3rd: Landry Elkins
over 2 years ago, Brady Clark
JH Girls
girls medals
JH Boys
Due to heavy rains today and possible rain tomorrow, the JV football game will be played at Grape Creek tomorrow at 5pm..
over 2 years ago, Casey Otho
After the Big Lake meet was canceled the Cross Country Team was fortunate that Brownwood let us in there meet at the last minute. It was an awesome meet filled with some really good teams! The boys placed 4th and were the top 2A team. 10th: Kyle Abilez The Girls won the meet! 3rd: Kenadee Millican 6th: Presley Polk
over 2 years ago, Brady Clark
Christoval CC at the Brownwood meet
For tomorrow, the Big Lake Cross Country Meet has been canceled. So, our High School and Junior High Cross Country teams are now running in Brownwood at Gordon Wood Stadium and Soccer Complex. High School will start at 9:30 AM and Junior High will start at 4:30 PM.
over 2 years ago, Brady Clark
1st junior high volleyball game of the year! 7th grade went 3 sets with Veribest and won, 8th graders fell short in 2 sets. These girls get better every day and are really catching on to the game. Great job ladies! 🏐🙌🏻
over 2 years ago, Jennifer Tilson
8th grade
7th grade